This Mom Needs...To Juggle It All

This Mom Needs...To Juggle It All

Hello Mom's! Welcome back to the blog! 

This year I have discovered with creating a new business and having a new baby everything does not go as smoothly as planned. Being a Mom of two and building a new brand comes with it challenges. But here are some tips I've found help me through the days of navigating Motherhood and Entrepreneurship.

Plan Out Your Day- Make List & Content Planners

Yes I have a newborn and a 7 year old and my schedule changes from day to day. By planning out the important things I have to do have helped me really focus and hone in on the most important goals for the day. I am a very visual learner and making list are my best friend! Everyday I create a new list and make it my mission to tackle at least the three of the most important tasks on my list. If I do not complete the entire list it still feels like a win for me! Don't be so hard on yourself, each day your trying your best and that is all that matters.

If you are a Mompreneur, making content calendars are essential to a business and busy schedule. Yes I have had my mornings that I am in the parent drop off line while creating a post for the day but having a content planner avoids this scenario. Spend a day creating all of your content for the week and put them all on a scheduled timer to go out. This is a super helpful strategy to ensure you are posting content daily and have more time for other aspects of your business.


To take care of others you must first take care of yourself. You are not a selfish Mom if you pencil in time on the calendar to go for a mani-pedi, take a exercise class, or do some retail therapy. Self-care activities are mood enhancers and make me feel more balanced and ready to take on all of my responsibilities. I ensure I pick a day out of the month to go for a massage, take a spin class, or try a new activity. When I am done I wrap up the day with a healthy meal at my favorite salad shop or smoothie place. Self-care is a must Mom's!

Want to find more tips on balancing Motherhood & Entrepreneurship? Tune in to cometravelwithveethepodcast on Spotify, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, or where ever you listen to your podcast where I guest starred on Season 2 Episode 2 and discuss how to find your balance! 

Until next time Mom's!! 

Link to cometravelwithveethepodcast! 


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